Physiotherapy Customized Fitness Program
Customized Fitness Program

Our fitness workouts are customized and programmed according to the goals and physical condition of our patients and clients. The program includes various components of health and fitness.
Health :-The World Health Organization (WHO) in its constitution of 1948 defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and the absence of only sickness or debility.”
Fitness is the ability to do a physical task.
What are the Fitness components?
Basic fitness can be classified into four main components: strength, speed, endurance and flexibility. However, exercise scientists have identified nine components including the definition of fitness
Strength – The extent to which muscles can contract force against resistance (such as holding or stopping an object or person)
Power – The ability to quickly extinguish maximum muscle contraction in an explosive burst of movements. (E.g. jumping or sprint start)
Agility – The ability to perform a series of explosive power movements in rapid succession in opposing directions (e.g. zigzag running or cutting movements)
Balance – The ability to control the position of the body, either stationary or while walking .
Flexibility – the ability to achieve an extended range of motion without being loaded by additional tissue, either fat or muscle (eg performing leg split)
Local Muscle Endurance – The ability of a single muscle to function continuously (e.g. rowing or cycling).
Cardiovascular Endurance – The ability of the heart muscle to deliver blood to work and their ability to use it (eg brisk walking, walking).
Strength endurance – the ability of a muscle to perform a maximum contraction after a period of time (eg continuous explosive rebound through an entire basketball game)
Co-ordination– Ability to integrate the above listed components so that effective movements can be achieved.
All of these 9 elements of fitness, it is important to increase all the components of the conditioning equation.
Conditioning exercise
The following are examples of common conditioning exercises:
- Core Sustainability
- Body conditioning exercises using dumbbells
- General conditioning exercises for the upper body
- General and specific leg conditioning exercises
- Specific exercises to develop lower leg strength and movement
Aerobics is a form of physical exercise that combines rhythmic aerobic exercise with rhythmic and strength training routines with the goal of improving all elements of fitness (flexibility, muscle strength, and cardio-vascular fitness). It is usually performed with or without music, with the goal of preventing disease and promoting physical fitness.
At PHYSIOCURE we have well-balanced aerobics classes with five components:
- Warm-up (5-10 minutes)
- Cardio vascular conditioning (25-30 minutes)
- Muscle strength and conditioning (10-15 minutes)
- Cool-down (5-8 minutes)
- Stretching and Flexibility (5-8 minutes) ).

We conduct fitness assessments and create customized exercise programs to achieve rehab and fitness goals.
Forms of aerobics at PHYSIOCURE
- Aqua Aerobic
- Step Aerobic
- Stick Aerobic
- Dance Aerobic
- Physio Ball Metabolic Training
- Aerobic with bicycle ergometer
- Aerobic with treadmill
Functional training is training for activities of daily living life.
Functional training for sports
Functional training, if performed correctly, will result in better joint mobility and stability as well as more efficient motor patterns. Improving these factors reduces the chance of injury during an athletic endeavour and performance in a game.
Rehabilitation through functional training
Functional tasks are used in rehabilitation with patients and are more likely to continue practicing these tasks in everyday life, better outcomes are achieved during follow-up.
To be effective, a functional exercise program must include several different elements, which can be adapted to an individual’s needs or goals:
Weight Loss Program
Intentional weight loss is the reduction of body mass which results in improving fitness and health. Losing weight in overweight or obese individuals can reduce health risks, increase fitness, and delay the onset of diabetes. It can reduce pain and increase movement in people with osteoarthritis of the knee. The loss may result in a decrease in hypertension.
Weight loss occurs when the body is spending more energy in work and metabolism, as it is absorbed by food or other nutrients. It will then use stored reserves from fat or muscle, leading to gradual weight loss.

Being underweight leads to health risks such as difficulty in fighting infections, osteoporosis, decreased muscle strength, trouble regulating body temperature, and even risk of death.
Losing weight at Physiocure is a long-term approach to a healthy lifestyle. It involves balancing healthy eating and physical exercise to equalize energy expenditure and energy intake.
We provide effective, practical and evidence based solutions.
We use different components for weight management program:-
- Complete analysis of body composition
- Fitness assessment
- Daily Guided Healthy Diet Plan
- Cardio workout session with abdominal workout
- Power Yoga to lose weight
- Weekly analysis and advice
- Counselling as per requirement
Call +91 98192 85842 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.