Women Health Physiotherapist In Mumbai
What is Women's Health Physiotherapy?

It is important to understand that there are many physical and physiological characteristics that are unique to women, and physiotherapy plays an important role in women’s health. There are phases which are unique in women’s life such as menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. These functions are tied to complex hormonal patterns in women, which also affect their behaviour.
- The child bearing years
- Antenatal and Postnatal
- Peri and post menopause
- Elderly woman
Problems faced are:
- Pregnancy issues
- Abdominal muscle weakness
- Pelvic girdle injury / pain
- Back pain
- Bladder / bowel disease
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Coccydynia
- Constipation
- Decreased fitness level / inactivity
- Pelvic floor muscle damage
- Postural changes
- DRAM – Diastasis of rectus abdominous muscle
Physiotherapy Assessment For Women Health
Physiotherapists always require some form of assessment to design a suitable, personalized treatment program. Evaluation and reassessment are important elements in determining the right physiotherapy treatment. They also determine whether a client needs further medical evaluation from a physician (such as for a non-musculoskeletal problem or for a musculoskeletal problem that needs immediate medical attention).
There are several reasons for performing an initial physiotherapy assessment, including:
Medical check up
Accuracy: When possible, we determine the exact cause of the problem / complaint which could be due to anatomical structures or some other reasons. It is important to determine all possible contributing factors to pain.
Reason: We determine the factors that lead to injury and / or complaint. This step is important in determining the appropriate treatment plan.
The evaluation includes both structural and functional aspects. Structural approach is more appropriate for acute, traumatic injuries whereas functional is more appropriate for chronic and / or gradual onset injuries.
Many conditions are complex, requiring the ability to analyze all relevant information (client history, signs and symptoms, invasive factors, client targets, past medical history, clinical evaluation / examination findings, clinical imaging, etc.). Although we are dealing with complex situations, with complex factors, treatment does not need to be complicated – but it does need to be appropriate. This is why clinical expertise is so important.
Our expertise allows us to recognize key principles of musculoskeletal health, including tissue tolerance, tissue capacity, tissue homeostasis, and regional interdependence.
At the end of the evaluation, the following information should be identified:
Customer target
A problem list (pain, difficulty with activities, etc.).
A clinical diagnosis as well as possible differential diagnosis
Factors affecting physical :
Internal factors: motor control, mobility (including flexibility), stability (including power)
External factors: training regimen, shoes, equipment, surface etc.
Examples of Women’s Health Physiotherapy Intervention
- Trigger point release
- Massage therapy
- Rest
- Chronic pain management
- A personal exercise program
- Peri and post-menopausal problems / conditions
- Muscle weakness
- Pelvic floor weakness
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Urinary stress incontinence
- Urinary stress incontinence
- Urinary urge
- Weight gain
- Bladder training
- Core stability exercise
- Defecation dynamics
- Diet change
- Decreased general mobility / activity
- Lifestyle changes
- Osteoporosis
Practices and techniques for treating specific issues for women include:
Muscle retraction – It creates body awareness (how you get in and out of your car, how you lift things, how you sit, overall posture, etc.) and improves the pattern of movement. Kegel exercises can be very beneficial for strengthening weak pelvic floor muscles in addition to pilates.
Exercise Therapy, helps in improving the mobility, strength, and endurance making bones and joints strong.
Methods – Applications of heat and / or ice, electrical stimulation therapy, and massage therapy to reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling.
Manual therapy – using repetitive and specific hand movements and motions helps to improve joint and soft tissue flexibility and mobility. Each physiotherapy program is different and adapted to the patient’s needs. Women have unique physical and physiological characteristics that physiotherapists take into account.
Physiotherapy makes a vast difference to every member of your family at some point. therefore, do not hesitate to ask us what we can do for you.
Women Health Physiotherapy Treatment
- – Abdominal muscle exercise
- – Manual therapy
- – Breathing exercises
- – Core stability training
- – Guidance on safe exercise in pregnancy
- – Health promotion
- – Pelvic Floor Muscles Re-education
- – Ante Natal and Post Natal Pilates Classes
- – Postural correction
- – Relaxation techniques
- – Strengthening exercises
- – Sexual dysfunction and pelvic pain
- – Perineal pain
- – Pelvic / Abdominal / Lower Back Pain
- – Discomfort with sexual intercourse / use of tampons
4 stages of Rehabilitation
If you are injured and eager to recover fully after an injury, it is important to follow a proper rehabilitation framework and schedule. Without effective and specific treatment, a person may take a lot of time to recover from the injury.
Rehabilitation methods varies from person to person but the general framework for recovery remains relatively consistent and is based on our professional experience and the latest research findings. To get you on track for the best recovery, we have completed the suggested steps for a successful rehabilitation.
1.Relax and protect injury
The first stage of recovery is to reduce all further damage and allow the body to begin the healing process. The body’s first reaction to any injury is to start with inflammation and pain. The better you can control the swelling, control the pain, and protect the injured body part to avoid any other damage, we have started the recovery process.
This step will likely involve proper rest and may involve using ice or cold packs, which have some type of protective slope, tape, or tape to protect the injury. Pain management with analgesic medication and / or anti-inflammatory may also be considered.
2.Recover your Motion
After an injury or surgery, factors such as swelling and pain can make it difficult to move an injured body part like you used to.
Physiotherapist does soft tissue and joint mobilization, is an important part of rehabilitation to recover the initial phase range of motion. Using specific flexibility training suited to your injury can help you regain your range of motion, and avoid the lasting impact that decreased range of motion can have on your body function.
Recover your strength
Most people are shocked to learn that their injury and subsequent recovery period can lead to muscle weakness and lack of endurance. Objective measures for muscle weakness and wasting are usually noted within 4–6 weeks after injury and surgery. Most important goal in rehabilitation program is to regain the muscle tone and muscle strength.
When sports injuries prevent participation in training and playing time for an extended period of time, it is important to maintain cardiac endurance. Exercises such as steady cycling, pool exercise or gentle exercise may be recommended.
The key to maximizing recovery is performing exercises that minimize growth, maintain good form and proper technique, and strengthen local, regional, and central muscle groups.
Recover your function
The final step in rehabilitation is to recover and play a game-specific function. This phase of injury rehabilitation can include restoring coordination and balance, improving speed, agility, and sports-specific skills progressing from simple to complex.
Call +91 98192 85842 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.