Get The Best Treatment For Neurological Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy in Neurological Conditions simply means the rehabilitation of functions that have been hampered due to problems with the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves. We offer Rehabilitation treatment protocol to people who are struggling with decreased range of motion or functions, muscle weakness, and lack of balance and endurance. Neurological physiotherapy is basically a kick-start to the message pathways that the brain is struggling to receive. Exercise helps to create new pathways by stimulating the brain with repeated movements.
It is possible to achieve a great degree of freedom and quality of life for every condition.
Physiocure aims not only to increase the quality of life, but also helps to gain a better outlook & confidence on the conditions by improving the overall quality of life.
Conditions include
- The Strokes
- Acquired brain injury
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Spinal cord injury
- Functional Neurological disorder (Balance, Mobility issues & difficulty in Walking)
- Ataxia
Benefits of Neurological Physiotherapy
Many patients with neurological conditions struggle with range of motion or function, muscle weakness, lack of balance and endurance, which can severely affect their daily routine. Strength, movement, balance and coordination can be improved by stimulating the nervous system through various activities and exercises, which allows the neurological physiotherapy work.
Neurological Assessment Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy treatment protocol varies depending upon the condition. A structured rehabilitation protocol is made including the short term goal and long term goal. Treatment sessions can be carried out at home or clinic depending on the needs and condition of patient.
Treatment consists of stretching and strengthening techniques. We rehabilitate in such a way that patients meets everyday tasks and functional activity like rolling over in the bed, transfer from bed to chair, walking, climbing stairs and many more.
Our motivated Physiotherapist helps you achieve maximum independence.
- Better balance and coordination
- Walking improved
- Customized work on affected areas
- Increased stamina and endurance
- Impacted muscle strength and reduced stress
- Contracted contract
- Customized freedom
Call +91 98192 85842 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.