Best Posture Correction Therapy in Mumbai
Posture Correction Physical Therapy

Posture is the approach taken by the body when the body is stationary or when it is moving. The posture is achieved as a result of the coordinated action of various muscles that work to maintain stability. In simple words, it can be understood as the position in which you hold your body while standing or sitting.
Types of posture
Divided into two types:
- Inactive
- Active
Static (Fixed)
- Dynamic
Inactive Posture – These are the approaches that are adopted while relaxing or sleeping. They theoretically require minimal muscle activity, and usually require relaxation.
Active Posture – Integrated action of many muscles is required to maintain the alignment, they are basically divided into two types.
Static posture - Body segments are aligned and maintained in a fixed position. This is usually achieved by coordination and interaction of various muscle groups that are working statistically to counter gravity and other forces like standing, sitting, lying and kneeling.
Dynamic posture - In this type of posture, the body segments move. This is generally necessary to create an efficient basis for movement. The work and non-compressed structures have to work to adapt to the changing conditions. Examples are walking, running, jumping, throwing and lifting.
Examples of Various Incorrect Postures
Some examples of incorrect postures are as follows:
- Lordotic Posture
- Sway Back (bending over backwards)
- Flat Back Posture
- Round Back with Head Forward (increased kyphosis)
- Flat Upper Back and Neck Posture
- Scoliosis (postural)
What is a Good Posture?
Posture is the position in which you hold your body up against gravity while standing, sitting or lying down. The body is trained to stand, walk, sit, and lie in good posture where minimal stress is placed to support muscles and ligaments.
Good posture makes you feel great, feels more energetic and project confidence. It also helps prevent injury and reduce pain.
We all want good postures, but if you have bad postures, it can be so difficult to achieve. This is because achieving good posture not only involves learning new movements and positions, but also changing life-long habits.
How to Improve Posture?
To get good Posture you need to have:
Normal Joint Limit of Motion – If you have rigid spinal joints, you will need to loosen to allow you to achieve good posture alignment.
Length of Normal Muscles – If your muscles are too tight then you will not be able to achieve a normal posture. For achieving a normal posture you need to stretch and relax your muscles.
Good Muscle Power – Your muscles need to be able to pull you into the ideal posture.
Excellent Muscle Endurance – Your muscles should be able to work for hours on end. Poor endurance is the cause of poor posture.
Your nervous tissue needs sufficient length to allow normal posture.
Good Spatial Awareness – If you are not sure “how you should feel” with good posture, what hope do you have for achieving it? This is where your physical therapist can provide you with verbal and visual feedback. Also they can asset you at home with postural taping or postural brace.
Perfect Posture Habits. The most difficult part is the initial change. After that, you are just reinforcing the right habit that will become your normal perfect posture.
Physical ergonomics: The science of designing user interactions with tools and workplaces to fit the user.
Physical ergonomics is important in the physical field, especially for those diagnosed with physical illness or disorders such as arthritis (both chronic and temporary) or carpal tunnel syndrome.
Types of work-related injuries are the musculoskeletal disorders (WRMD) which results in persistent pain, loss of functional activity or work disability, the initial diagnosis is difficult because they are based primarily on complaints of pain and other symptoms.
Maintaining jobs or work conditions leads to a high rate of labor complaints of undue stress, local fatigue, restlessness, or pain that do not go away after resting overnight.
These types of jobs often involve activities such as repetitive and vigorous labor; Constant, heavy or overhead lifts; Strange work posts; Or use of vibrating equipment.
Some jobs or work conditions result in more labor complaints of undue stress, localized fatigue, restlessness, or pain that do not rest overnight. These types of jobs often involve activities such as repetitive and vigorous labor; Constant, heavy or overhead lifts; Strange work posts; Or use of vibrating devices.
Importance of Footwear Correction and Orthotic
The correct shoe for a person should therefore be chosen to suit their feet and their specific needs. Improper footwear and poor foot posture are major contributing factors in the development of many lower limb injuries. Some of these may include:
Plantar fasciitis
- Shin splits
- Achilles tendonitis
- ITB friction syndrome
- Patellofemoral pain syndrome
- Patella tendonitis
- Stress fracture (eg tibial stress fracture)
Which shoe should I buy?
It is important to choose a shoe that is designed to support your type of foot. There are three main categories of feet:
- Neutral - Normal foot
- Pronator- Flat Foot
- Supinator - High Arch Foot
Neutral Shoes Requirements
The ideal shoe should not be designed only to support the foot in any way, but should also provide good cushioning, comfort and stability.
Pronator Foot Requirements
These foot types require motion control or stability shoes with a firm mid-sole and good arch support. The purpose of these shoes is to slow down and slow down the pronunciation.
Supinator foot requirements
These foot types require a comfortable shoe with extra cushioning. The shoe should encourage pronation. Motion control or stability shoes are not appropriate.
Once you determine the type of your foot, it is necessary to choose a shoe that supports the type and requirements of your foot. This is important because there are many types of shoes designed with different qualities for specific activities (such as running shoes, running shoes, tennis shoes, cross trainers, etc.) For example, if you want shoes for walking and you have flat feet. Then you should opt pronating shoe for walking.
Call +91 98192 85842 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.